Dog Walk Webinar

FREE Webinar for Agility Handlers

"The #1 skill for a reliable and safe dog walk performance"

How a struggling agility handler was able to STOP her reckless Border Collie from misplacing paws and falling off the dog walk in JUST 2 months without doing any training on the actual dog walk!

* Only available for a limited time, Jan 30th to Feb 4th!

In this webinar you will...

  • Discover the #1 skill that will speed up your dog walk training, help you get better contact zone hit rate while also boosting your dog's confidence and precision on the dog walk. 

  • Uncover the biggest mistakes agility enthusiasts make that can lead to DW accidents and make your dog cautious and careful on the dog walk

  • Learn the proven framework that has helped more than 300 agility enthusiasts to FINALLY get a reliable dog walk performance after struggling with their dogs' fears on the dog walk, misplaced paws and dog walk accidents.

This webinar is for YOU if...

You're just starting with your DW training 
You want to give your dog the best possible foundations for running the dog walk with precision and confidence. You want to prevent problems like missed contact zone, misplacing feet and falling off the dog walk while running full speed. 

Your dog is a reckless wannabe ninja on the DW.
Misplaced feet and DW falls are nothing new to you and your dog just doesn't seem to care what happens to his body! You are worried about your dog injuring himself during one of these falls. And you are wondering if you will be ever able to trust your dog to run the dog walk with precision and without accidents.

Your dog is scared on the dog walk.
She often slows down on the dog walk. Her usual fluid coordination disappears the moment she gets on the dog walk. You've tried building up her confidence, but nothing seems to work. 

Here's what other agility handlers have said about my past webinars:


Its never been broken down like this to me with any of my training and now I have a super fast dog and all of this makes sense on how I should have started in training him for the dog walk.
- Lisa -


Thank you so much for your fabulous webinar. So much great information that no one talks about when teaching the dogwalk.
 - Kathy -

I thought my dog was lacking confidence, but I see that’s now part of the overall equation - he’s definitely lacking balance and body awareness!
- Vee -


In this webinar, Mari provides an eye-opening way of looking at dog walk foundation training. I learned some new ways to split dogwalk behavior which will allow me to both condition my dog to the physical demands of this obstacle as well as help provide him with the coordination to be successful in its execution- which as a big, fast Lab, he is definitely going to need.
It feels like the link I've been missing for years in making this obstacle safer for new dogs and to even improve the performance of more experienced agility dogs.
I'm already implementing the exercises I learned in this webinar on my own dogs, and can't wait to be able to give my next round of agility students this better start to dogwalk training."
- Erin Lynes, KPA-CTP -

Taught by Mari Valgma

Founder of and the creator of Movement Puzzles

Mari Valgma is a Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer and the creator of Beyond Dog Sports: Dog Walk - an online course designed especially for dogs who are either reckless or scared on the dog walk. She has helped more than 300 struggling agility enthusiasts solve their dog walk challenges.

Mari's harnesses her experience as a canine fitness trainer to develop dynamic exercises that will help your dog to move with more control, awareness and precision in challenging situations, like running on the DW!

Her approach focuses on splitting difficult exercises into smaller elements, making sure that your dog is not missing any skills needed for the final performance. As a result, reckless dogs learn to move with more precision and awareness, and cautious dogs get a powerful confidence boost from Mari's exercises.

Mari's goal is to make dog sport safer & train sport skills with fewer repetitions while not sacrificing the speed or fun of the sport.

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